Monday, December 6, 2010

Sports Monday: W.A.R.P. in Cincinnati!

Wow! I really hope some of you are old enough to get the early 80's pop culture reference in the headline.

Anyway, the big sports story coming out of the Blast this Monday is not Auburn vs. Oregon or Tiger blowing a 4-stroke lead at his own tournament. It is the take down and arrest of an unruly mascot. This is real news.

The Cincinnati Bearcat decided to start chucking snowballs during the team's futile effort to compete with Pitt this weekend. So, let's mix snow, bad football and 80-proof schnapps. You end up with a wintry version of a "shock and awe" campaign in a half empty Cincinnati stadium.

Check out some footage from the scene (some graphic language). People seemed to be enjoying his stage act. Things eventually got out of hand and he had to be taken down. No teaser or tranquilizer gun necessary, but still good video for readers.

When a game is essentially over, the mascot needs to have full latitude to enhance the fan experience. It was snow! I know, somebody could catch one in the ear or eye and that would sting. This is what you do in the snow!

BlastCranium Productions is already in talks with this kid for a new reality show where he hops from college to college in a different costume and gets billy clubbed by campus police. Still working on a title.

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