Friday, December 3, 2010

New Office Policy...I'm Out!

Mega Sports Agency IMG has just distributed a new policy to it's employees. No Gambling on sports! This is all coming on the heels of some speculation that some big shots at IMG had the inside scoop on some of their biggest superstars (not to mention any names, but huge stars like Tiger Woods and Roger Federer).

So, the letter went out. click here to take a look see. No gambling on sports, and if you do we will probably fire you.
We here at BlastCranium, Inc. are big fans of sports wagering and will not take such a hard stance on gambling. I do realize, however, that sports gambling is pretty much illegal unless you are at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. If we do write up a policy, I am quitting because sports gambling is fun and liberating. I can throw $100 into a stock and hope that the CEO isn't a criminal or harassing a female employee OR I can put $100 on the Packers this weekend. Either way, it is my money and I want to lose it on my terms. That is America.

Anyway, good for you IMG. Since you guys know things that we don't (like where Tiger's yacht was this past weekend), maybe it is somewhat unethical for your employees to be betting on sports.
I am leaving the office now to lay some money down on a horse that just got his shots. Also a guy named Vito seems to be looking for me.

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