Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is My Problem?

December was a busy month for the author of BlastCranium.

My New Year's resolution is to post more frequently. We will see how long that lasts.

Check out the BlastCranium logo designed by my good friend Todd.

Here is hoping that you all have a great 2009. Please let us all have a good 2009.

Hamster Power!

Do you want to know a great idea for conserving energy? Get little furry animals to provide power.

A London-based consultant has designed a paper shredder that uses no electricity. Instead it taps into a much more eco-friendly source of power, a hamster.

29-year old Tom Ballhatchet is the mastermind behind this creative device. All you need is one hyperactive hamster and some private documents and your are in for some shredding fun.

All this furry little creature has to do is run on a dead sprint for 45 minutes and you can shred one piece of paper.

The best part is that your pet will have some nice soft bedding in his cage after a vigorous workout.

A New Year's Time Waste

Here is a great way to break up the day. www.zefrank.com

This site gives you an online kaleidoscope to tinker with when you are completely bored.

I love interesting new sites that have serve no purpose other than wasting time. Unfortunately, for this site, it takes about 30 seconds to realize that it is not all that fun.

Go check it out and start the New Year by spending quality time on the Internet accomplishing nothing.