Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Business News: McRib leads to McMoney

McDonald's Corporation (MCD) sales rose 4.8% in November on the massive U.S. appeal for the limited time menu item, the McRib.

These guys continue to show their genius and pure mastery of the quick-service restaurant business. Wendy's and Burger King are falling behind in the fast-food wars simply because McDonald's has a better grip on America's stomach.

Extra Value Meal, inexpensive exotic coffees and even lowering all of their large drinks to $1. We are simple people and we step in line and follow the simple concepts. I go by McDonald's everyday and get the $1 drink because it is just a good deal. No, I don't want to bring a can of soda from home that will cost me 25 cents.

The idea of a limited time offering of McRib is also a perennial winner for McDonald's. By only releasing this tangy sandwich to the wild once a year, they keep us all loyal and waiting. It is sort of like why I kept my subscription to Sports Illustrated for 15 years, the February Swimsuit Issue.

And if they did offer McRib as a regular menu item, I would be dead.

The other players need to come up with something fast or they are going to get McThumped.

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