Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monkey Business (For Real)

I am not sure if this will catch on in the U.S.

The owners of a traditional "sake house" north of Tokyo have employed a pair of Japanese monkeys to wait on their patrons. Check out the video. It is fantastic.

These little guys move around the establishment with great efficiency and seem to have a wonderful rapport with the customers. I am not sure how sanitary this form of food and beverage service is, but they do wear some very charming outfits.

It is just a matter of time before one of these monkeys gets promoted to working the cash register.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Extra Smooth

I have had to call the BlastCranium research team to help me validate this product's worthiness.

The grooming experts at Rolling Razor suggest that their design greatly improves the shaving experience. In addition, the dual head configuration means that blades will last longer.

Here is where my team netted out:

Yes, the dual heads did result in longer life for the blades since we were able to shift from one to the other as we moved across our face.
It dawned on us, though, that when it was time to replace the blades, that we had to buy two. It, therefore, seemed like a bit of a wash.

Similar to the legendary safety lollipop, this handle design didn't really seem to help us shave with any more ease or effectiveness (though it likely reduced the probability of us swallowing the device).

The option to buy our razor in camouflage was a nice bonus.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Everything is Better with Bacon

There is no better way for BlastCranium to stay topical than to blog about iPhone accessories.

Straight out of Germany comes an iPhone accessory with a whole bunch of "sizzle". If you are not a vegetarian, you will love this case that looks like (you guessed it!) bacon.

For those of you who have not latched on to the iPhone craze yet, don't worry, this pork-themed case comes in all different sizes. I am certain you can find a slab of bacon that will properly protect your cellular device.

Stay tuned meat lovers, I have put in a request for a backpack that looks like ten pounds of brisket.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Here is another installment in my series on hilarious blogs. (if you missed my first one, check out my September 9 posting on indexed)

Founder of the "Blog of Unnecessary Quote Marks", Bethany Keeley has a great selection of signs and advertising that horribly misuse this popular form of punctuation.

I have been criticized for overusing parentheses and improperly capitalizing words in the middle of a sentence, so I am laughing with these people.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Building with a Twist

Here is a perfect entry for a blog that is all about "idea insanity.

Plans are underway, in the international hot spot of Dubai, to build an 80-story skyscraper that literally changes shape at any given moment.

Each floor of this architectural masterpiece will rotate independently enabling the building to always have a unique look. Even better, residences will have a different view of this breathtaking city as the day goes by.

Wind turbines will supply the power necessary to keep things moving and, of course, make the skyscraper energy efficient.

Units will range from $4-$40 million. The only chance I have of spending time in this building is if they hire me to work the valet parking.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Walk This Way?

Some of the greatest engineers in the world work for Japanese auto maker Honda Motor Company. Evidence of their brilliance is the introduction of this new robotics invention.

The wearable robotic walker will revolutionize the workplace for those who are on their feet or in the crouching position for hours at end.

My initial reaction was, "this is fantastic, now I can reduce the horrible stress of walking from my desk to the supply room".

Seriously though, this high tech product is not designed so the average American office worker can get just a tad bit lazier. It is meant for the hard working factory employee, so that they can be more productive and spend less time in physical therapy.

It's somewhat encouraging that Honda is inventing machines that help factory workers instead of replacing them.

I am thinking about buying 20 of these robotic devices and starting my own version of the popular stage show, River Dance.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Portion Crazy

The baking legends at Hostess have finally decided to offer its mega-brand Twinkie in 100-calorie portions.

I am a huge fan of the Twinkie. Like most Americans, I love my snack to consist of a spongy yellow cake filled with delicious whipped fat.

I am not really ready for the Twinkie to be packaged to be in any way nutritious. Let's face it, if counting calories is part of my dietary plan, I don't need to be thinking about Twinkies.

The next time you see me at the Quickie Mart, I will be purchasing all Hostess products at full size. In fact, if you are looking for any additional product extension ideas, please consider offering a foot-long version of the Suzy Q.

Reflect This

The good people at interferenceinc.com provided me with this insane tech marvel. This interactive mirror allows you to be amazingly creative and look at yourself at the same time.

Watch the mirror video for a closer look at how it works.

This cool device looks like a lot of fun, but with my accelerating hair loss and periodic weight gain, I really try to minimize the amount of time spent in front of a mirror.

For all of you beautiful people out there, go get one.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Which One of These People Do Not Belong Here?

Jerry Jones has found a way to raise his stock with the tween female demographic. No, it's not a line of Hannah Montana Cowboy's gear. Actually, it's pretty close.

The massively popular Jonas Brothers will be playing halftime at Texas Stadium during the Thanksgiving game between the Dallas Cowboys versus the Seattle Seahawks.

It would be easy to just start ridiculing this idea, but it is all about raising money for the Salvation Army, so no ripping.

All I can say is that it will be kind of weird inside the stadium during this show. I have been to a lot of NFL games in my life and the percentage of girls 8-14 in the stands is extremely small.

But to Jerry's and the NFL's credit, the big story for this performance is the massive TV audience that will tune in for the popular "boy band". I, on the other hand, have already slated that 20 minute time slot for my other favorite Thanksgiving tradition; pulling all of the Christmas decorations out of the attic.